3 tips for planning your next campaign

Hello there,

On my way to a photoshoot at a local farm yesterday, I made a somewhat shocking CVS stop…

When I walked into the store I was met with jumbo bags of miniature candy bars, plastic lawn skeletons, Thanksgiving table decor and shelving displays stacked with Christmas cards. I literally had to stop and ask myself what month it was.

With that, it's safe to say the holiday season is officially among us! Aka every marketers favorite time of year.

Have you been thinking about how to creatively accentuate your brand offerings this holiday season?

If you don't have a full plan in place - don't worry, you're not alone - today is the perfect time to get started. As you build out your strategy, I'm begging you to keep one game changing element in mind:


Yeah, I kind of shouted that at you, because well, I'm excited about it.

If you have a goal to increase your company's revenue this year, you should be too.

You're out here in the world, running a passion-fueled business with an important message and product to share.

And while strategic copywriting is the bread that holds every marketing sandwich together, scroll-stopping photography is the cured meats, ripe tomato slices, fresh buffalo mozzarella and spicy micro greens that drive the ordering decision. *adds to cart*

I'll leave you with 3 thought starters to kick-off your planning session:

  1. How can you showcase your product in a way that organically integrates it into your target customers lifestyle?

  2. What problem does your product solve for your customer? Empathize with how they'll feel before and after experiencing your brand. Design a story around it.

  3. What look, feel and tone can you channel in your photography to capture your customers attention AND bring the narrative to life? I.e. colors, props, human elements.

I can't wait to see what you come up with — and if you need a second creative brain, I'd love to chat.

In good taste,



A Chat with Bryce Bonsack, Chef + Owner of Rocca Tampa


Bloody Mary Grouper Sandwich