How art shapes the guest experience at restaurants

To kick off the new week, (oh, Monday… it's you, again), I have a very important question for you.

When's the last time you tried a new restaurant?

Do you remember what you saw while at the hostess stand, waiting to be seated? How did the atmosphere make you feel? Did you leave thinking about your experience?

I ask because every time I push through the doors of a new restaurant, I fully expect an adventure to await me on the other side.

I envision aromas of familiar foods swirling through the air and gentle smiles from strangers that feel oddly inviting. Tables with perfectly folded napkins ready to be unraveled. Menus drenched in golden hour sun rays, politely peeking through nearby windows.

But what often steals my attention first are the colors, textures and pops of personality strewn across the walls, surfaces and entry way. There's so much depth in the visual experience that's shaped by art and design.

Those core details, First name / friend, are the essence of every well-constructed brand identity. And they're why I love working in a field that brings them to life, in a way that they can live and breathe within the experience I help my clients create for their customers.

On this week's episode of my podcast, Sunday Sauce, I chat with Tampa-based mixed media artist, Bianca Burrows, about:

  • The impact art + creative have on your customer's buying decisions

  • The #1 element you need to have on-hand before introducing art into your space

  • How to infuse multi-sensory touch points into your brand experience

  • Where to find inspiration for art that's uniquely yours (because no one likes a copy cat)

Did reading this email spark any inspiration for you? Email me at and let's chat over coffee, in-person or over the air waves. In the meantime, press the button below to tune into this week's episode of Sunday Sauce.

In good taste,



Roasted Beet + Balsamic Hummus


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