3 Tips for Boosting Your Mood + Energy

Aura by Unico Nutrition

From one seemingly busy human to another 

Have you ever gotten your aura read? 

And by that I mean, have you ever sat in front of a polaroid camera against a green screen, staring into the face of a stranger in anticipation of your energy being on full display? 

Because I have. 

Holding an actual photo of your aura is an eye-opening experience… even if you’re not entirely sold on the idea. *Stay with me, friend.*

In my pre-pandemic life, frequent trips to New York City were a must to fill my happiness cup. Maybe I love it so much because I used to live in Manhattan. Or it could be that regardless of the steaming hot trash aroma that comes with summer, the streets are always vivaciously buzzing with life. Either way, it’s my forever go-to when I need a mental pick-me-up.

One of the last times I visited the city, my friends and I found ourselves in a tiny shop in Chinatown called Magic Jewelry. The storefront is so impossibly small that it’s easy to miss - think platform nine and three-quarters, Harry Potter style. What awaits you on the other side is excitingly unknown, yet highly anticipated. 

L-shaped cases of crystal necklaces, energy readers giving off ancestor vibes and a one-person-at-a-time photo booth station immediately draw you into the space. After taking a seat in front of the camera, you place your hands on two metal energy readers and hold for 15 to 20 seconds while your aura is captured. By the time you’ve briskly followed your reader back to the jewelry cases, your energy is ready to be revealed.

What happens next is the wild part. 

Leaning over a collection of jade and stone pendants, your reader presents an actual piece of your soul. A polaroid snapshot of your shadow self surrounded by a cloud of symbolic colors that tell the story of your energy. 

You stand in awe. Your reader translates every inch of your photograph. 

Within 15 minutes, you’ve been schooled on the past, present and future energy surrounding your love life, professional life and relationship with yourself. And holy sh*t, it’s intensely accurate.

The entire experience re-awakened my perspective on the energy you put out in the world and how it impacts every aspect of your life. Even my non-believing friends walked out of that place with personalized, shiny crystals to center their moods and a new favorite tale to tell.

While I live for all things mystical, I’ve learned that being intimate with my mood and energy doesn’t have to mean an otherworldly encounter. In fact, it truly starts with you.  

From your morning routine and what you put in your body to the conversations you have with yourself and others, every conscious decision you make contributes to your overall mood. And equally as important, when things you don’t have control over start to muddy your mental waters, there’s zero shame in seeking out the support you need.

There’s a million things we can disagree on when it comes to the pandemic, but I think we all share one major takeaway: if you’re going to be locked up in your apartment for six weeks, you better like the person you’re stuck with. Especially if that person is yourself. 

Forget six weeks - you deserve a lifetime of warm, fuzzy energy. 

When you’re feeling lackluster and can’t hop on a Delta flight to New York, try these three tips for increasing your mood and energy at home: 

1. AM + PM Meditation 

Did you know that meditating twice a day for 20 minutes comes with an insane slew of benefits? I know it’s hard to sit still and quiet your mind, especially if you’re like me and wake up with a mental to-do list drilled into your brain, but ugh, it’ll change your entire day in the best way possible. Meditation wakes up your parasympathetic nervous system, which creates a deep state of relaxation. Each practice naturally releases energy-boosting endorphins that are like all-natural candy for the body. Sweet, energizing and crave-worthy. 

Meditation will help you feel less stressed, more relaxed and ready to take on whatever the day brings. If you’re hesitant to try it solo, head to Spotify and type ‘guided meditations’ in the search bar. You’ll strike gold within seconds.

Siri, play "Happy" by Pharrell Williams.

2. Keep a Daily Gratitude Journal 

I know, I know. This seems too simple and maybe even a tad elementary, but don’t banish the idea until you try it. Remember the positive self-talk I mentioned earlier? This is where it largely comes into play and trickles into your daily interactions. When you write down the things you’re grateful for, you’re dedicating time to focusing on what’s good in your life. 

It’s reaaaalllly easy to get hung up on what’s not working for us. Why is it so hard or even abnormal to celebrate the good stuff? Researchers have found that regular journaling has been proven to improve your wellbeing. Keeping a gratitude journal is channeling that practice on steroids. It encourages you to slow down and be grounded in the amazing space you’ve created for yourself. According to Harvard Medical School, being thankful can lead to being a happier human. I like the sound of that. Don’t you?

3. Natural Supplements, like AURA by Unico Nutrition

Daily rituals are the cat’s meow, however, let’s talk about what you ingest on a regular basis. Someone once said to me, “every time you eat, it’s an opportunity to nourish yourself” and I haven’t looked at food, vitamins or supplements the same way since. AURA by Unico Nutrition is a mood boosting, plant-based supplement I swear by. I take it every day to stay balanced, lower my entrepreneurial anxiety levels (raise your hand if you can relate) and rack up more energy. What I love most about it is that it’s specifically designed and optimized for women. Two capsules of Aura contain 150% RDA of fully bioavailable folate, which can reduce the severity of PMS symptoms. PRAISE BE. 

AURA is anchored by saffron, an ingredient known to most medical pros as the world’s best natural anti-anxiety supplement. It’s also the first natural supplement for depression to utilize both powdered and oil ingredients, which is pretty cool. Thanks to their innovative 'aqua duo' technology, Unico packs pure algal-based omega-3 oil as well as powder-based botanicals into the same capsule - reducing the number of pills needed to deliver big results. Say hello to lighter energy and brighter days. If you need me, I’ll be walking on sunshine. 


Thanks for reading!




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