The journey to 400,000+ Instagram followers w/ Jeremy Jacobowitz

If you’ve ever logged into Instagram and felt defeated — don’t worry, we’ve ALL been there.

Even those of us who have been ‘gramming since the beginning of time, like New York City's finest food blogger, Jeremy Jacobowitz.

In my past life, I worked at a food and beverage focused marketing agency, and before that, at a luxury catering & events company in Manhattan, which is actually where I first crossed paths with Jeremy.

In the midst of downing falafel bowls at a random restaurant on The Bowery, we instantly bonded over the never-ending saga that is social media. That moment was nearly 8 years ago, and still, the conversation we had that day feels relevant to today’s struggle, excitement and addiction to living our lives online.

Enter stage left: a podcast episode all about Jeremy’s experience growing a major following across several social media platforms.

In this episode we dive into:

  • The benefits of surrounding yourself with people who are more successful than you are,

  • What it was like to learn from Bobby Flay during Jeremy's time working at Food Network, and

  • The value of leading conversations with your audience (eh em, his 400,000+ followers on Instagram), even if they fall outside of your brand niche.

And if you missed last week's email, new episodes for Sunday Sauce drop at 11 AM EST on Sundays. I can't wait for you to listen.




Bloody Mary Grouper Sandwich


Introducing: Sunday Sauce, the Podcast