Working from Home: 7 Tips to Boost Your Productivity


Working from home is one sweet gig.

But it's not as "easy" as everyone thinks it is.

In fact, it can be incredibly hard to focus when you're sitting in your living room, problem solving for a client who's 11 states away. Everything's fine until there's a dirty dish glaring at you from the sink, a tiny kitty cat begging to be pet or you're tempted to binge watch Schitt’s Creek... hey, no one's there to judge you, right?

There is always something vying for your attention.

I've been an independent food and beverage marketing consultant for two years now. That means I make my own schedule, raid the cabinet for snacks whenever I want and take conference calls in my pajamas (yes, the rumors are true). It also means there are days I don't brush my teeth until 2 PM. Yep, I'm a gremlin sometimes...

A few months ago I decided to write a cookbook while managing several restaurant clients full-time. This is the part when I tell you something I've never told anyone else: my schedule spiraled out of control. My kitchen was covered in flour and half-eaten cupcakes, meetings were all over the place and it felt physically impossible to create a professional routine.

Then I realized something... Working for yourself comes with unbridled freedom, but none of it matters if you're not maximizing your time. So, I figured out a system that worked for me and not against me. Today I'm sharing it with you!

If you work in an office - don't stop reading - these productivity boosting tips apply to you too.

Let's carpe the shit out of this diem, shall we?

1. Find your biggest distraction & tackle it when you wake up

Every morning, I roll out of bed and immediately walk into the kitchen. Obviously making coffee is a priority, but the real reason I go there is the dishes. They're a huge distraction for me! I physically cannot start my workday without emptying the dishwasher, cleaning leftover plates and making the kitchen sparkle. It's just my thing. For you, it might be making the bed or watering every house plant in sight. Maybe you need to run three miles in order to function. Whatever your major distraction is, find it and eliminate it in the morning. Then start your day with a clear head. *Namaste*

2. Put your phone in the other room

Instagram, messages from your family group text, Facebook, emails from co-workers or clients, Instagram, calls from random 1-800 numbers and probably more Instagram... Sound familiar? My phone never fails to interrupt my work and I continuously struggle with it. What I've learned is that if I can't physically see it, I'm not tempted to pick it up. I literally hid my phone from myself to sit down and write this article.

Do yourself a favor and put your phone in another room. It'll genuinely make a difference in your workflow when you're not constantly stopping to see why your phone just vibrated. That Vice article will still be there when your project is complete. Promise!

3. Listen to music while you work

Music can trigger memories. It can make you feel alive. It can even make you cry. And apparently, it can also improve your work situation. According to Dr. Lesiuk's research, a professor at the University of Miami, people who listened to music completed their tasks more quickly and generated better ideas than those who didn't. The New York Times agrees too.

I have a playlist for almost every occasion. My Monday morning list is packed with feel-good songs, instrumental beats are dedicated to writing tasks, and for cooking, a funky library that lives on shuffle. Sporadic solo dance parties are never bad, either.

4. Create a weekly schedule for yourself

This one is LIFE CHANGING, guys. Remember when I told you I couldn't get a handle on my schedule? It felt like my wanna-be routine was managing me instead of me managing it. The second I assigned each week day to a category of work, my entire perspective changed. For example, Monday's are for client work/baking, Tuesday's are for shooting the cookbook and editing photos, Wednesday's are blogging/writing, etc.

It's crazy how this small adjustment altered my entire way of thinking AND increased my efficiency! Once you've designated each week day to a bucket of work, use your calendar to block off specific time slots for upcoming projects. Take it a step further and use time tracking tools like Toggl to monitor your progress. Welcome to the zen of organization.

5. Write to-do lists and work on the hardest item first

Being able to see your tasks in front of you is a powerful thing. It helps to visualize them, rank them by priority and get on the grind. I'll be the first to admit, crossing shit off my list feels spectacular, but racing to finish the easy stuff probably means I'm avoiding the work that actually needs my attention. Pro tip: challenge yourself to work on the toughest item on your list first. Reward yourself with ice cream later.

6. Take breaks

Breaks are the quickest reset button for our brains! According to Forbes, taking a quick walk during your workday can increase productivity, boost your creativity and improve your mental health. #win. If walking isn't your forte, crack open a book for a few minutes or call a friend. I like to break up my day with a 15-minute yoga session.

7. Stock your pantry with brain foods

You knew there was going to be food in this article, didn't you? OF COURSE YOU DID. There's scientific evidence behind 12 foods that boost brain function, according to Medical News Today. Drum roll please - add these productivity boosters into your diet: oily fish, dark chocolate, avocado, berries, nuts and seeds, whole grains, coffee, peanuts, broccoli, eggs, kale and soy products.

Before I met my boyfriend, I never ate breakfast. I would eat a LÄRABAR and fly out of the house like my ass was on fire. Now I make a smoothie (kale, berries, flaxseed, coconut water, pineapple, maca powder, 2 dates) every morning, snack on almonds or cashews in between meals and more often than not, devour tuna for lunch. When you feel like your best self, you can produce your best work.

I'd love to hear all about your productivity tips, too! Shoot me and note and let's get to work.

Peace, love and gluten-free pasta,



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